Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) has partnered with over 30 charities to establish Charitable Organization Endowment Funds. These charities are investing in their future by creating a consistent and sustainable revenue stream.
WRCF would welcome the opportunity to set up an endowment fund for your charity, allowing your staff and volunteers to deliver on your mission without having to worry about any of the administrative details of managing your own endowment.
We provide a number of services to support your endowment fund, including:
Meeting with your staff and/or Board to outline the operations of the fund and the expectations of the partnership.
Economies of scale that provide your charity with the benefits of a diverse investment portfolio that typically come only with very large funds.
Low administrative fees.
Direct deposit of annual grants each April from the earnings on your fund.
Process donations made directly to your fund and issue tax receipts to those donors, along with notifying you so that you can engage with those donors as well.
Annual fund statements, including a summary of investment returns and donations.
Planned Giving support for your fundraising team (bequests, life insurance RRSPs, etc.).
Administration of gifts of securities and other complex gifts.
Marketing support to assist with growing your fund, as well as the creation of a customized donation page.

If you have any questions, contact Dan Robert at or 519-725-1806 x 205