Racial Equity Fund
About the 2025 Racial Equity Grants Program
Racialized communities are being disproportionately affected by inequities. Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) is dedicated to taking the necessary steps toward advancing racial equity in our community. One action that is part of delivering on that commitment is the Racial Equity Fund – dedicated to supporting meaningful, positive action which advances the work of organizations serving people in Waterloo Region who are Indigenous, Black, and people of colour.
Funds distributed are intended to assist those most impacted by the ongoing and systemic racial disparities that exist in our community.
In 2025, approximately $300,000 will be distributed to organizations that are led by and serve people who self-identify as Indigenous, Black, or a person of colour.
The Racial Equity Fund reinforces WRCF’s approach to encouraging self-led activities, with a committee of volunteers from the community who similarly self-identify approving the funding guidelines, reviewing applications, and determining funding recipients and allocations.
WRCF’s Racial Equity Grants will be focused on supporting applications that are developing, enhancing, or reinforcing activities that bring people together and support meaningful relationships between people in Havens and/or Hubs.
See the Racial Equity Grants Funding Guidelines for information about how the activity you are applying for must align with social infrastructure.
Social Infrastructure
There is growing evidence that social infrastructure is associated with more social cohesion, higher belonging, and higher wellbeing. As Waterloo Region grows to one million residents, we need to ensure we have the social infrastructure in place now – and for future members of our communities.
WRCF has researched social infrastructure over the past few years and found a framework we support that was created by Gehl Studio. As WRCF works to positively impact social infrastructure in Waterloo Region, we view places as the physical spaces—both formal and informal—where social interactions are made tangible. But what these places are is less important than what they do – which tends to fall into three categories linked to organizations, spaces, and experiences. The categories are:
Hubs: Spaces that encourage interactions among diverse groups that may not otherwise interact, creating opportunities for people to connect from different backgrounds, and fostering broader community ties.
Havens: Spaces that provide safe environments for people with shared identities or backgrounds to come together, fostering close ties and a sense of belonging. They shouldn’t be so exclusive that they prevent connections across differences.
Hangouts: Informal spaces that support casual, everyday interactions, offering people the chance to connect organically and live life in public.
Thank you to Gehl Studio for permission to incorporate elements of their framework of social infrastructure, and reproduce this image from their report, Social Infrastructure: Connecting People & Places for Thriving Communities, p. 38, https://issuu.com/gehlarchitects/docs/gehl_social_infrastructure_final_report.

How can you apply?
Racial Equity Grants will be accepting applications between February 24, 2025 and March 31, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. (EST).
Guidelines to help you apply
Organizations receiving funding must be located in Waterloo Region and serving Waterloo Region
Applications will be accepted for two levels of grants:
Spark - $10,000 (Note: successful applicants will receive the full $10,000 requested)
Scale - $30,000 (Note: successful applicants will receive between $20,000 and $30,000)
Funding must be used for eligible expenses occurring between July 1, 2025 and August 31, 2026
Only one application per organization will be considered across three WRCF grant streams: Arts Grants, Community Grants, and Racial Equity Grants
Your organization’s leadership must self-identify as being Indigenous, Black, or a person of colour
Applicant organizations must be:
Registered charitable organizations;
Qualified donees recognized by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);
Nonprofit organizations working with a Fiscal Partner that is a registered charitable organization or qualified done; or
Grassroots organizations without a Fiscal Partner
To determine if your organization is eligible, and to understand how the funding can be used, access the Funding Guidelines (pdf)
Download a Budget Template (xls)
Download the application questions prior to applying, here: Application (pdf)
Download the evaluation questions that you will complete if you receive funding, here: Evaluation (pdf)
If you are working with a Fiscal Partner, download the WRCF Fiscal Partnership Agreement form (pdf)
(Note: You have the option of submitting a verbal application. If you prefer to submit a verbal application, and/or need translation services, please contact grants@wrcf.ca no later than March 10, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. (EST) to set up a time to do this.)
To learn more about Racial Equity Grants, contact us at grants@wrcf.ca or 519-725-1806 x 206.

WRCF is dedicated to upholding professional, ethical, and regulatory standards as we work to deliver on our vision and mission, while staying true to our values. We expect partners and organizations we fund to share our commitment to these standards. By applying for funding through WRCF, you are indicating that your organization complies with the regulatory requirements to work with your population(s), and within the legal and ethical framework appropriate for your organization.
For other funding opportunities from Waterloo Region funders, please visit www.wrapply.ca

Here is a list of organizations that received support through the Racial Equity Fund in 2024
African Women's Alliance of Waterloo Region (World Wide Opportunities for Women Inc.)
Anishnabeg Outreach
Cambridge Cultural Association
Child Witness Centre
Community Justice Initiatives Waterloo Region
Community Music School of Waterloo Region
Crow Shield Lodge
Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre
Hearts Open for Everyone (Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre)
Kinbridge Community Association
Kind Minds Family Wellness
Lion’s Mane Ministry
MT Space
Muslim Social Services Waterloo Region
Muslim Women of Cambridge (Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre)
Nigerians in the Region of Waterloo (Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre) Peace For All Canada (Conrad Grebel University College)
Rhythm & Blues Cambridge (Kinbridge Community Association)
Rohingya Centre
Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region
SHORE Centre
Somali Canadian Association of Waterloo Region (Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre)
tri-Pride Community Association
Waterloo Region Chinese Canadian Association (Coalition of Muslim Women Kitchener-Waterloo)
Wijhah Initiative
Willow River Centre (Social Development Centre Waterloo Region)
Women of Dignity International
Women That Give
YWCA Cambridge