Why Choose WRCF
Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) is a leading community-building organization in Waterloo Region. We are focused on collaborating with partners to identify and meet the current and future needs of our community by enabling social capital and developing creative, forward-thinking, innovative solutions for place-based philanthropy.
At WRCF, we:
Are a local organization. Our staff, Board, and committee members have knowledge, experience and expertise about the issues and needs of Waterloo Region.
Act as a community catalyst and are well-positioned to bring people and organizations together to address local issues and opportunities and then collaborate on solutions.
Initiate focus on areas in the community requiring attention; re-direct funds as community needs change and facilitate discussions with other funders and partners to align and support transformational projects.
Provide highly personalized services tailored to every donor’s charitable interests and values and partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving.
Take a long-term view by building endowments, through a professionally managed investment pool, to ensure grants are always available to support the community.
Offer a variety of fund options that meet your personal and financial goals.
Suggest charities to support through your grants and provide opportunities to visit charities and see the impact of your grants.
Provide annual reporting of your fund’s activities and balance.
Offer regulatory expertise in Canada Revenue Agency guidelines while accepting a wide variety of gifts (even the most complex ones).

If you have any questions, contact Dan Robert at dan@wrcf.ca or 519-725-1806 x 205