Sample Will Clauses
The following sample Will clauses provide a few options for donating to WRCF through your estate. There are many ways that your legacy giving can be structured, so we encourage you to speak to your lawyer and family. You can always contact us to find out more about the options as well, and to customize a clause that reflects your specific wishes.
Named Fund in the Community Fund (give where the need is greatest) – At WRCF, we know our community’s needs are constantly changing. We work to understand the biggest issues facing this community, and the organizations that address them head on. If you want your legacy to have the flexibility to adapt to new issues as they emerge, and tackle them through granting, this is a good option for you.
Wording to establish a Named Fund in the Community Fund:
To give ($____ / ____ % / the residue) of my Estate to Waterloo Region Community Foundation, (Charitable Registration Number 132170994 RR 0001) to establish a permanent fund known as the ____________________ Fund, the income of which shall be used for general charitable purposes, aligned with the objectives of the Community Fund.
Field Of Interest Fund (give to the charitable cause closest to your heart) – If you have a charitable cause already in mind, but are not sure of the specific organizations you wish to support, WRCF can help you with that too. Our dedicated team will identify which organizations are making the greatest impact on your cause(s) of choice. Some examples of causes include: affordable housing, animal welfare, arts and culture, children and youth, diversity, education, environment, gender equality, health, poverty, racial equity, social services, social inclusion.
Wording to establish a Field of Interest Fund:
To give ($____ / ____ % / the residue) of my Estate to Waterloo Region Community Foundation, (Charitable Registration Number 132170994 RR 0001) to establish a permanent fund known as the ____________________ Fund, the income of which shall be used for general charitable purposes, having regard to my interest in ________ (insert one or more of the charitable causes that are most important to you – if you are listing more than one cause then please specify a percentage breakdown of how you want the granting income to be distributed between your causes).
Designated Fund (give to your favourite charities) – Through your legacy, you can support your favourite charities, year after year, long after you are gone. We recommend that you contact us in advance to ensure that the charity’s name is correct, and that it is in good standing. As we always work with the long-term in mind, should any of your chosen charities cease to exist, WRCF will select a charity with a similar charitable purpose for your bequest.
Wording to establish a Designated Fund:
To give ($____ / ____ % / the residue) of my Estate to Waterloo Region Community Foundation, (Charitable Registration Number 132170994 RR 0001) to establish a permanent fund known as the ____________________ Fund, the income of which shall be distributed to _________________ (list designated charities and their charitable registration number, along with a percentage breakdown of how you want the granting income to be distributed between your charities).
Donor Advised Fund (give a loved one the ability to make annual decisions regarding which charities will be supported) – Through your legacy, you may wish to instill your philanthropic values to someone close to you by having them serve as a Successor Advisor to your fund, meaning that they will be responsible for making decisions annually regarding which charities will receive support from your fund.
Wording to establish a Donor Advised Fund:
To give ($____ / ____ % / the residue) of my Estate to Waterloo Region Community Foundation, (Charitable Registration Number 132170994 RR 0001) to establish a permanent fund known as the ____________________ Fund, the income of which shall be distributed as decided by _________________, the Successor Advisor on the fund, who can be contacted at ________________ (phone) and ____________________ (email address).
Add to your existing Fund, or another Fund – Waterloo Region Community Foundation is home to over 400 funds, established by individuals, families, corporations, and charities. You can see a list of all the funds currently held through WRCF at
Wording to add to an existing Fund:
To give ($____ / ____ % / the residue) of my Estate to Waterloo Region Community Foundation, (Charitable Registration Number 132170994 RR 0001) to be added to the _______________________ Fund (insert exact Fund name).
If you have any questions, contact Dan Robert at or 519-725-1806 x 205