1,300 people, 54 discussions – LOTS of connections and conversations happened at the 2024 On the Table led by WRCF

WATERLOO REGION, ON – Over the weekend of June 7-9, 2024, Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) organized On the Table to encourage community members across our region to participate in hosted discussions. We invited people to bring together their friends, colleagues, neighbours, or people in the community over food and drink to talk about what matters to them. And it worked. “When residents step up and organize 54 different conversations and 1,300 people show up to chat face-to-face, they reveal a pent-up demand for community involvement and for opportunities to reconnect with others in all corners of our region,” said Eric Avner, President & CEO, Waterloo Region Community Foundation. “We need more of this – open but focused conversations. Bringing people together to dream and connect,” quote from a conversation led by an Individual Community Member.

Today, WRCF is releasing the 2024 On the Table Waterloo Region Report, to share a snapshot of the topics people chatted about – including residents’ concerns, hopes and aspirations for what it is like to live in our community, and what our region could become as we grow to one million people. It includes quotes from many conversations, some resources and ideas generated locally and from other communities – as well as areas where local actions can contribute to tangible outcomes.

77% of the On the Table conversations included discussions about social infrastructure, which is WRCF’s strategic area of focus between 2024 and 2027. So, much of the report focuses on the seven themes that emerged across the different tables. Themes like:

  • Creating and maintaining thriving neighbourhoods

  • Ensuring equitable access to social infrastructure

  • Harnessing community assets and celebrating what is already here

“Our Board and team plan to incorporate ideas generated during the discussions into the work we are doing to strengthen the system of social infrastructure in Waterloo Region,” added Eric Avner. “We also heard from many hosts that the information they gathered during their On the Table conversations will be turned into actions to increase the sense of belonging in their community – which is critical for the overall health and wellbeing of residents.”

On the Table Waterloo Region, and the 2024 On the Table Report would not have been possible without the support of Common Good Strategies, Equitable, Libro Credit Union, and KPMG.


Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) collaborates with partners to create sustainable, equitable and thriving communities. We connect regionally and locally, with our three cities and four townships, to include the people and places across our region. We make philanthropy easy for individuals and companies to support organizations and issues they care about. WRCF is focused on Granting, Investing and Convening to make measurable and sustainable impacts. Gifts are directed to WRCF's endowed funds that drive positive change through grants with the income generated being distributed in partnership with Fundholders to support a wide range of charitable causes within our community. We are growing our assets in a socially-responsible way without compromising financial returns, and transitioning to a 100% mission-aligned portfolio. These investments include directing at least 10% of our portfolio to impact investments. As a leading community-building organization we also work to amplify voices and issues of importance by convening conversations and sharing information, while approaching our work with an equity mindset. www.wrcf.ca

For additional information about this release, to learn more about On the Table Waterloo Region, or to request an interview with our President & CEO, please contact:

Lynne Short

Vice President, Waterloo Region Community Foundation
519-725-1806 x 204


Community Connect - September 2024 WRCF e-newsletter


Community Connect - August 2024 WRCF e-newsletter